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August 2008

This article is part of on-going Software For Geeks series. PuTTY is hands-down the best, free, and lightweight SSH client for Windows. I have provided list of 12 powerful PuTTY add-ons with screenshots, that will solve few shortcomings of the original PuTTY.  Play around with these add-ons and choose the one that suites your need. [...]


Jumpstart Guide for Oracle Enterprise Linux with Screenshots

Oracle offers Linux distribution, that is based on Red Hat Linux. Should you use Oracle Linux Distro? I’ll provide appropriate information that will help you to answer this question. I have also provided screenshots of a Linux upgrade using Oracle Enterprise Linux. Using Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) would make sense under the following two scenarios: [...]

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9 Tips to Use Apachectl and Httpd like a Power User

After you have installed Apache2, if you want to use apachectl and httpd to it’s maximum potential, you should go beyond using start, stop and restart. The 9 practical examples provided in this article will help you to use apachectl and httpd very effectively. Apachectl acts as SysV init script, taking arguments like start, stop, [...]


36 Items To Capture For Practical Hardware Asset Tracking

If you are managing more than one equipment in your organization, it is very important to document and track ALL information about the servers effectively. In this article, I have listed 36 attributes that needs to be tracked for your equipments, with an explanation on why it needs to be tracked. I have also provided [...]


Most of the open source application uses MySQL database. To debug an issue with the open source application, it is very important to understand how to quickly get high level information about your MySQL database. In this article, I have explained how you can view the database, table, column and index information on any MySQL [...]


15 Examples To Master Linux Command Line History

When you are using Linux command line frequently, using the history effectively can be a major productivity boost. In fact, once you have mastered the 15 examples that I’ve provided here, you’ll find using command line more enjoyable and fun. 1. Display timestamp using HISTTIMEFORMAT Typically when you type history from command line, it displays [...]


6 Steps to Secure Your Home Wireless Network

Most of you might have enabled wireless encryption, which is only one of the 6 steps mentioned in this article to make your wireless network safe and secure from hackers.  The screenshots mentioned below are from Linksys wireless router. But, you’ll find similar options for all the 6 steps mentioned below in wireless routers from [...]


Web Based Time Tracking – Software for Geeks #2

As part of Software for Geeks on-going series, earlier I wrote about Web based To-Do List Software. In this post, let us review about Web based time tracking software. For geeks to be ultra efficient and productive, it is very important to cut down the time spent on activities that are not aligned with your [...]