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Perl Examples: Array of Arrays, Hash of Arrays, Hash of Hashes, Stack

Perl developers should understand how to use complex data structures effectively.

In this article, I picked the top 5 useful posts about complex data structures from perlmonks, and gave simple examples on how to use them.

1. Perl Array of Arrays

The following example defines a sample perl array of arrays.

@tgs = (
    ['article series', 'sed & awk', 'troubleshooting', 'vim', 'bash'],
    ['ebooks', 'linux 101', 'vim 101', 'nagios core', 'bash 101' ]

To access a single element, for example, to Access 2nd element from the 1st array, do the following:


Access all the elements one by one as shown below.

print @$_, "\n" foreach ( @tgs );

Read more: How do I make an array of arrays?

2. Perl Hash of Hashes

The following example defines a sample perl hash of hashes.

%tgs = (
    'articles' =>  {
                       'vim' => '20 awesome articles posted',
                       'awk' => '9 awesome articles posted',
                       'sed' => '10 awesome articles posted'
    'ebooks'   =>  {
                       'linux 101'    => 'Practical Examples to Build a Strong Foundation in Linux',
                       'nagios core'  => 'Monitor Everything, Be Proactive, and Sleep Well'

To access a single element from hash, do the following.

print $tgs{'ebooks'}{'linux 101'};

Read more: How do I make a hash of hashes?

3. Hash of Arrays

The following example defines a sample perl hash of arrays.

%tgs = (
    'top 5' =>  [ 'Best linux OS', 'Best System Monitoring', 'Best Linux Text editors' ],
    '15 example' => [ 'rpm command', 'crontab command', 'Yum command', 'grep command' ],

To access all elements one by one, do the following.

foreach my $key ( keys %tgs )  {
    print "Articles in group $key are: ";
    foreach ( @{$tgs{$key}} )  {
        print $_;

Read more: How do I make a hash of arrays?

4. Making a Stack

Making a stack is very simple in Perl using arrays with push & pop function.

First, define an array as shown below.

@array = ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 );

Stack operation:

push ( @array, 6 ); # pushes the content at the end of array.
pop ( @array ); # gives the top element 6.

Read more: How do I make a stack?

5. Visualize a Complex Perl Data Structure

When you see a code which builds complex data structure, to visualize it better, use Dumper as shown below.

use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper $ref;

The above code snippet will dump the output in a user friendly way as shown below.

$VAR1 = {
          'a' => [
                     'A' => 1,
                     'B' => 2
                     'D' => [
                     'C' => [

From the above output, you can clearly tell which is array, which is hash, and the dependencies, etc.

Read more: How can I visualize my complex data structure?

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  • ChrisM September 16, 2011, 1:44 pm

    Good reference article. Thanks for adding supporting resources under each concept. For trying to learn *nix and perl on my own I’ve found tgs and pm to be invaluable learning aids. Thanks for the hard work!

  • CRiera April 16, 2012, 7:01 am

    I’ve found your article very useful but I have a question regarding hash of hashes: I have a matrix of Blosum62 values for the 20 amino acid residues, looking like this:

    – A C T R N E …till 20
    A 2 5 8 1 2 4 …
    C 5 2 3 1 5 2 …
    T 8 3 2 2 1 0 ..
    R 1 1 …
    N 2
    E …

    till 20

    So, in total 20×20 = 400 values. I was wondering how to make the script read this from a file and put it into a hash of hashes, since translating this into a structure like :
    %tgs = (
    ‘top 5’ => [ ‘Best linux OS’, ‘Best System Monitoring’, ‘Best Linux Text editors’ ],
    ’15 example’ => [ ‘rpm command’, ‘crontab command’, ‘Yum command’, ‘grep command’ ],
    Would be really hard!
    I want a hash of hashes so that then I can get the blosum value based of two specific residues coming from a list of pair residues. So if A23C, $aa1=A, $aa2=C,
    $hash{$aa1}{$aa2} would give = 5.

    Thank you!

  • Ganesh January 25, 2013, 5:21 am

    Excellent Example…..

  • priyank March 13, 2014, 2:44 am

    you are gave carrcte example