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Oracle Database Startup and Shutdown Procedure

Photo courtesy of Rob Shenk For a DBA, starting up and shutting down of oracle database is a routine and basic operation. Sometimes Linux administrator or programmer may end-up doing some basic DBA operations on development database. So, it is important for non-DBAs to understand some basic database administration activities. In this article, let us [...]


Oracle 11g step-by-step Installation Guide with Screenshots

This is a 16 step Oracle 11g installation guide that covers a typical installation scenario with screenshots. Note: Since there are several screenshots of various Oracle installation steps on this page, I’ve shown only the thumbnails of the screenshot. Click on the individual thumbnail image to view the full-size screenshot of a particular Oracle installation [...]


Jumpstart Guide for Oracle Enterprise Linux with Screenshots

Oracle offers Linux distribution, that is based on Red Hat Linux. Should you use Oracle Linux Distro? I’ll provide appropriate information that will help you to answer this question. I have also provided screenshots of a Linux upgrade using Oracle Enterprise Linux. Using Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) would make sense under the following two scenarios: [...]

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