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JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, which is a format for structuring data that is very similar to the concept of maps in computer programming. Maps consists of keys and corresponding values. A key has to be unique within a map. JSON is light-weight format of representing data as text in a file, whose syntax [...]


Functions are code snippets in a block that is assigned a name. It takes input, performs computation or an action and returns the output. Functions enhances the reusability of the code. In this tutorial, we’ll discuss the following examples: Basic Python Function Example Python Built-In Functions Python User-Defined Functions Python Function Parameters Python Function Unknown [...]


Exceptions in python are error thrown by syntactically correct statements. They terminate the execution of the script. Some example of exceptions are NameError, TypeError, AssertionError, ConnectionAbortedError, etc. These abortions can be handled to prevent the script from terminating unpredictable. Description of all python exceptions can be found here. This tutorial covers the following examples: Python [...]


REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It is an architectural style, set of rules to standardize the web, to maintain uniformity across web applications worldwide. It intends to enhance maintainability, scalability, reliability and portability of web applications. Main idea behind REST is resources. Everything you want to access in a web application is a resource, [...]


15 Practical Python Set Examples with a Sample Program

Sets are basically collection of certain items that are unordered. There is no specific order in which they are stored. In Python sets are same, but there are few differences with basic sets. The elements in python sets are unique, there can’t be duplicate items in python sets. If duplicate items entered, it will be [...]

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17 Practical Python Tuples Examples

Tuple is similar to List in python language, both are sequential, index based data structure. The main difference between tuples and list is that tuples are immutable i.e. we cannot modify a tuple’s content but List is mutable data structure. Also, tuples uses parenthesis and list uses square brackets. This article will discuss about following [...]

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OOP stands for Object Oriented Programming. This concept is a style of solving programming problems where properties and behavior of a real-life object is packaged as a single entity in the code. This style of coding enables modularizing and scaling with least amount of issues. Python is a dynamically typed, high level interpreted programming language. [...]

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12 Essential Python For Loop Command Examples

For loop is an essential aspect of any programming language. In python, for loop is very flexible and powerful. In this tutorial, we’ve explained the following Python for loop examples. Python For Loop for Numbers Python For Loop for Strings Python For Loop Using Default Range Function Python For Loop With Custom Start and End [...]