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7 Steps to Build a RPM Package from Source on CentOS / RedHat

Sometimes you might have access to an open source application source code but might not have the RPM file to install it on your system. In that situation, you can either compile the source code and install the application from source code, or build a RPM file from source code yourself, and use the RPM [...]


12 CUPS lpadmin Command Examples to Setup Printers on Linux

CUPS stands for Common UNIX Printing System. lpadmin is a command line tool used to configure printer and class queues provided by CUPS. A system running CUPS is a host that can accept print jobs from client computers, process them, and send them to the appropriate printer. It can also be used to set the [...]


How Install and Configure OpenLDAP on CentOS / RHEL Linux

LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. LDAP is a solution to access centrally stored information over network. This centrally stored information is organized in a directory that follows X.500 standard. The information is stored and organized in a hierarchical manner and the advantage of this approach is that the information can be grouped into [...]


This tutorial explains the process of building useful multi­-part commands piece by piece. To build complex commands in the terminal, we need to understand piping. Piping is basically taking the output of one command and sending it to another command as input. This is done with the | (pipe) symbol. Last month, a small project [...]


Logstash is an open source central log file management application. You can collect logs from multiple servers, multiple applications, parse those logs, and store it in a central place. Once it is stored, you can use a web GUI to search for logs, drill-down on the logs, and generate various reports. This tutorial will explain [...]


7 Patch Command Examples to Apply Diff Patch Files in Linux

When there is a security fix available for a particular software, we typically do a binary upgrade using the package management tools like yum or apt-get. But, there might be situation where you have installed a software by compiling it from the source code. In those situation, how do you apply the security fix to [...]


When you perform yum update, it will download the latest version of all the packages that are installed on your system, and upgrade them to the latest version. You may be in situation where you might not want yum to automatically update one (or more) specific package. In those situations, use the yum exclude option [...]


10 pidstat Examples to Debug Performance Issues of Linux Process

pidstat stands for PID Statistics. This tool can monitor an individual process that is managed by kernel and generate a report. It can monitor either a specific PID (process id), or all the process running on the system. pidstat is a part of sysstat utility. This tool reports various statistics including CPU used by a [...]