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March 2010

How to Debug C Program using gdb in 6 Simple Steps

Earlier we discussed the basics of how to write and compile a C program with C Hello World Program. In this article, let us discuss how to debug a c program using gdb debugger in 6 simple steps. Write a sample C program with errors for debugging purpose To learn C program debugging, let us [...]


How to Find and Delete Empty Directories and Files in Unix

Question: How do I locate empty directories that doesn’t contain any files? Also, how do I find all empty files ( zero byte files ) in Linux? Answer: You can use unix find command to get a list of all empty files and directories as explained below. Also, refer to our earlier articles about unix [...]


AWK Arrays Explained with 5 Practical Examples

Awk programming language supports arrays. As part of our on-going awk examples series, we have seen awk user defined variables and awk built-in variables. Arrays are an extension of variables. Arrays are variable that hold more than one value. Similar to variables, arrays also has names. In some programming languages, arrays has to be declared, [...]


Ubuntu espeak is a speech synthesizer for English (and several other languages) which will convert text to speech. You can straight away execute espeak command on your Ubuntu machine without any installation or configuration. In this article, let us review 8 examples of espeak command. espeak Example 1: Speak the words specified in command line [...]


Question: How do I set multiple home pages in firefox? i.e I would like to open more than one website automatically when the firefox starts. Answer: Please follow the steps mentioned below to open multiple tabs in Firefox during startup. Step 1: Go to Firefox Options Window Go to: Tools menu -> Option menu-item -> [...]


Similar to our on-going Unix Sed and Unix Awk series, we will be posting several articles on Bash scripting, which will cover all the bash scripting techniques with practical examples. Shell is a program, which interprets user commands. The commands are either directly entered by the user or read from a file called the shell [...]


30 Things To Do When you are Bored and have a Computer

Read technical blogs – There are several technical blogs out there, that produce high quality content everyday. There are 9600+ technology blogs listed in the technorati website. Browse the technology blog list and read the blogs that interests you. As always you can browse our blog archive section for Linux related articles that you might [...]