389 Directory Server is a super fast open source enterprise LDAP Server. In this tutorial, we’ll explain how to install and configure the LDAP client on Linux which will talk to your 389 directory server. Install EPEL On your client machine, make sure you have EPEL repository setup, as we’ll be downloading the ldap related [...]
389 Directory Server is an open source enterprise LDAP Server. This can handle very huge volume of data. One of the huge benefit of 389 LDAP server is that it is lighting fast and process upto handle several thousands of operations per second. This has several advanced features including asynchronous multi-master replication for horizontal scaling, [...]
To add something to the LDAP directory, you need to first create a LDIF file. The ldif file should contain definitions for all attributes that are required for the entries that you want to create. With this ldif file, you can use ldapadd command to import the entries into the directory as explained in this [...]
LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. LDAP is a solution to access centrally stored information over network. This centrally stored information is organized in a directory that follows X.500 standard. The information is stored and organized in a hierarchical manner and the advantage of this approach is that the information can be grouped into [...]